step three

Competition analysis

Deeper look at your competitors, what they do, how and comparation with your business

What do you know about your competitors?

Who are your competitors and how are they different? What do they do better or worse?
What is their communication and what channels are they using?

What marketing and branding activities are they doing to attract and get your customers?

Let’s have a detailed look at your competitors.

Competition analysis

”We do not have a competition…”
  • Yes sure… If you tell me this during our consultation I already know we have a problem! 🙂

  • In today’s world everyone has a competition. Even Apple or Microsoft have some. That’s good and bad at the same time. Competition can help you to be better, innovate and improve your products, services and business overall. On the other side competition is taking part of your customers and making profit what could be yours.

  • During the competition analysis I analyze marketing and branding activities of your competitors. What they do, how, where and why. What are they talking about, what benefits they communicate to customers, who are they try to target and what channels and strategies they are using.

Get inspired and avoid copying at the same time...
  • It is very important to have a look at your competition. It will help us to see what they do (or what they do not do). It can be inspirational for us and for your marketing and branding activities.

  • But it is also important to avoid doing something very similar in the future that would not be good for your brand – using similar colours, slogans, texts, campaigns and so on.

From web and social media to mystery shopping...
  • During competition analysis I will have a close look at your competitors and analyse their social media posts, web, e-shop, employer branding, newsletters, PR articles, paid social media campaigns, reviews from customers and so on.

  • I will focus on the key benefits, language, tone of voice and marketing and branding activities they use to be attractive and reach new customers.

  • If needed I can also do mystery shopping and try to get in touch with them and make an analysis of their business process, see how they sell and how their sales people work, how they approach customers, how fast and what kind of service they offer to the customers and so on.

Why competition analysis?
  • Find out who are your competitors

  • Find out what they do, how and what do they communicate
  • Find out what benefits do they promote to their target group
  • Find out what marketing and branding activities are they doing
  • Find out what communication channels are they using
  • Find out how do they try to reach and attract their customers
  • Find out what paid social media campaigns they do
  • Find out how what brand positioning and brand associations they try to create
  • Find out what they communicate in their newsletters
  • Find out how they try to be different and unique on the market
  • Find out how you can be different, better and get your advantage
  • Find out how they sell, what they offer and how they communicate with customers

Who are your competitors?

What do they do, how and why?

Book free consultation
and let’s improve your business

(30 min intro talk about your business and issues you need to solve)

Created by © MARK MADE MEDIA 2022