step four

Research & Analysis

Find out true about your brand, competitors, business and your customers

What do you really know

about your business?

Do you really know or you just guess?

What do you about your customers, competition or your own employees? What problems do you need to solve? What is your current situation? What are your goals and plans?

Your business is a complex system where is everything connected together.

Let’s talk deeper about your business.

Research & Analysis

Your opinion VS reality check...
  • What is your opinion about your company, competitors, products or services you provide to your customer can be different from the customer’s opinions. You can guess how competitors and customers perceive your company and your brand but what is really important is how your customers and competitors see your company and your brand.

  • What brand associations do they have with your brand, who do they consider as your competitors and why. Why do they became your customers and who you need to do to keep them loyal?

  • Your opinion about your business is just guessing based on your point of view but it may not reflect reality. Your business is your baby, you created it and you see it through your eyes.

  • Reality can be often very different and influenced by your look from inside. Your point of view can be very limited and not objective – nobody wants to see mistakes, criticize yourself and highlight the weaknesses.

"For some reasons" it is not good...
  • Many companies and entrepreneurs think they are the best, their products and services are perfect, customers are satisfied and they do not even have a competition…

  • “For some reasons” the customers are not loyal and not going back, profit goes down or just jumps up and down and they do not know why… Negative reviews are filling the internet and mailbox of customer care departments who do not know how to deal with them.

  • “For some reasons” other companies and competitors have better brand awareness, better brand positioning, have positive associations with their brand, better marketing campaigns, better processes, more satisfied customers and in the end they are selling more. You do not know why…

Research with your customers...
  • To manage business based on non objective opinions and make strategic decisions based on personal point of view from inside the company can be really dangerous for the success of your business and for your profits.

  • Market research, competition analysis and a good questionnaire together with a few interviews with your customers and business partners will show and reflect the reality very quickly.

  • That’s why market research, customer research and competition analysis are very important for your business. You will get very important and strategic information to understand your customers, how they perceive your brand, what associations they have in their minds connected with your brand, how they perceive your competitors, what do they like and what they don’t.

  • Thanks to marketing and branding research you will know the key and strategic information about your business, your products and services, about your communication and what should be improved to be more attractive for customers and gain competitive advantage on the market.

Research with your employees...
  • The same can apply inside your company where the main focus are you current employees. They can the daily reality, daily problems, processes, company culture and overall situation across the departments and whole company.

  • Thanks to research & analysis with your employees we can identify many strategic areas for improvement as for example: impact on strategic growth, problems with processes, micromanagement,  problems with leadership, employee satisfaction, benefits for employees, communication problems, identify why are employees leaving, what employees like and appreciate on so on.
  • With these information we can improve strategic areas of the business, implement new processes, launch new programs, change and improve things which are important for employees, it can also help us to identify EVP and significantly help with employer branding activities, support HR and hiring.

Why Research & Analysis?
  • Find out what your customers know about your company and your brand

  • Find out what positive / negative brand associations have customers with your brand
  • Find out who and why your customers consider as your competition
  • Find out what your customers like / do not like about your business
  • Find out what can be changed and improved
  • Find out what should you stop doing to keep your customers satisfied
  • Find out what you should improve or start doing more to attract new customers
  • Find out what are the main benefits for you customers
  • Understand your customers, what they need and how they perceive your brand positioning
  • Find out what your employees like / do not like
  • Find out how your employees see your company
  • Find out how what are the most important areas for your employees

What strategic areas of your business should be improved?

Book free consultation
and let’s improve your business

(30 min intro talk about your business and issues you need to solve)

Created by © MARK MADE MEDIA 2022