Employer branding
Let’s find out why should anybody be interested in working at your company
Employer branding answers the most important question:
Why should anybody be interested in working at your company?
What do you offer to employees? Do they need you or you need them? How can you attract experienced people to help you to grow your business?
Why they should work for you? What is your competition doing to attract skilled and experienced candidates? Is your HR and hiring process effective? How to attract top talents on the market?
Let’s improve your employer branding!
Employer branding
How are you going to attract and hire experienced people?...
You will need experienced people to be able to grow – soon or later as you will grow you will need to hire skilled and experienced people. Why should they care about your company? They are good, they have good skills and a lot of experience so they can choose where they will work. Why should they work in your company? And are you even ready for them?
Employer branding...
Employer branding is very important for every company that understands that the success of the company depends on people. Companies that want to succeed need to attract talented, skilled and experienced people. Unfortunately today the situation on the market is different than a few years ago.
No companies but candidates have the power...
Back then companies listed job offers, a lot of people applied and companies could choose so the power was in their hands. It was more about why you should be picked and work for us. It was like: you – candidate – tells us why we should hire you?!
Today is the situation completely different. Today companies need to be attractive. People have more options and can choose from various job offers for various companies so the power is in their hands. Today candidates ask companies why they should work for them.
Why should I get hired by you? What can they offer except for salary? What benefits? What are the opportunities for career growth? What are the working conditions and flexibility? How about remote and home office options? What about bonuses? And the list goes on…
Your brand, brand associations and employer branding...
Employer branding is the part of the building a brand and brand positioning. With every job ad and job description you are basically sending out messages about your company. You are maybe just trying to hire someone but you are making a promo for your company.
The way you approach your job ads and job descriptions will influence your branding and of course makes the work of your HR people harder or easier. So employer branding is a very important part of your marketing and branding and it belongs to a very complex system of your business.
Why Employer branding?
- It will help to your HR managers and recruiters understand importance of employer branding
- Find out how to write better job ads and job descriptions
- Find out how to be more creative and write in stories
- Find out how to highlight your company and its benefits
- Find out what keywords should you use in your job ads and job descriptions
- Find out how to promote your brand better through job ads
- Find out how your marketing department can support your hiring & HR department
- Analyse of your job ads and job descriptions
- Find out how to promote your company on job portals
- Find out how to stand out amongst the competitors when hiring
- Find out how to attract talented, skilled and experienced people
- Analysis of your employer branding activities and suggestion for an improvements
- Analysis of your competitors job ads and job descriptions
- Attract the right candidates with employer branding and make hiring easier and more effective
- Prepare employer branding campaign to support HR and boost hiring – tell the candidates why to join you
What is your EVP?
Why should someone join your company?
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and let’s improve your business
(30 min intro talk about your business and issues you need to solve)
Created by © MARK MADE MEDIA 2022