step five
Marketing strategy
Strategic goals, what is the problem, why you need to solve it, how and when
What are your strategic business goals and how are you going to achieve them?
Your marketing and branding activities should be in line with your strategy. All activities should support your business as much as possible and help to achieve your strategic business goals.
But is it really happening? Let’s have a look.
Marketing strategy
Strategy as the key to success...
You should definitely consider creating a marketing strategy for your company. Definition of your strategic goals, understanding what problems are you facing, why you need to solve them and how you can solve them is crucial for your success.
To have a clear picture about your vision, mission, understanding the market situation and your current business situation will significantly help you reach your strategic business goals.
Marketing is not advertising... Brand is not a logo...
Marketing is the key and strategic part of your business with a huge impact on the success of your business. Marketing mix (4P’s – 7P’s) is basically the core of your business. Unfortunately many people still think that marketing is just about advertisement or social media post. Strategic marketing has a huge impact basically on every aspect of your business – from product development, pricing, distribution and sales to profit, demand or communication.
- Branding is also very important and strategic part of your business. Your brand has a big value – if you are doing in strategic brand management in the right way. Products are made in factories but brands are created in the minds. Good brand can bring you many competitive advantages and if you really want to build successful business then you should know that without strategic marketing and branding it will be very hard or not even possible…
What, why, how, when...
What you need to achieve, why is it important, how you can do it and when it should be done. Without answering these strategic questions you will get lost quickly and you will probably waste a lot of time, energy and money.
Whether your goal is to sell more, keep existing customers satisfied, find new customers, sell more to existing customers, improve brand awareness, create specific brand positioning or specific brand associations, you must know where are you going, why and how you will get there.
Business without strategy is a risk...
If you do not have a clear marketing strategy and plan where you define what you need to do, why, how and when you will always struggle and you risk your success. You will probably waste a lot of time, energy and money on various activities without success.
To have a clear definition of business fundamentals as knowing what you need to do and why is crucial for every business. Without it you will be lost and just blindly trying to “do something” to achieve your goals.
Strategic goals in line with your marketing strategy...
All your marketing and branding activities should be in line with your strategic business goals. Before you start even brainstorming some marketing or branding activities you should ask what strategic business goals this activity is going to support and how. If the marketing or branding activity will not support any of your strategic business goals you should not waste a time on it.
Do you know who your customers are? What are they looking for? Where and how can you attract them? What benefits do they really want? Your products or services are not for everyone and you need proper strategy to know what you are going to do, why, how and when.
With clear marketing strategy, defined strategic business goals and plan you will be always sure what to do, what not to do and where to invest your time, money and energy to achieve your goals.
Why Marketing strategy?
- Understand who are your customers and what to they need and how you can bring it to them
- Understand the market, what products or services are you selling and what is the right way to do it
- Understand what your business is about, what you are trying to sell to who, why and how
- Define your strategic business goals and understand why you need to reach them
- Find out what can be changed and improved and how to do it
- Have you strategic business goals in line with your marketing strategy
- Have a clear definition of your business goals and have them in line with your marketing activities
- Have a plan to know what marketing and branding activities you need to do, why, how and when
- Have a guideline for your internal marketing team, agency or external partners and freelancers
- Have a clear plan and budget for your marketing activities, channels, campaigns, seasonality and so on
- Understand the strategic steps you need to – what you have to do, why, when and how
- Understand how and where you need to invest your marketing budget to reach your strategic business goals
- Be prepared for your marketing campaigns to be consistent and invest in activities which support your goals
How to improve your business and reach your strategic business goals?
Book free consultation
and let’s improve your business
(30 min intro talk about your business and issues you need to solve)
Created by © MARK MADE MEDIA 2022